Tuesday 19 April 2016



  1. You must be twenty one (21) years of age or older on May 1st, 2016;
  2. You must be a Nigerian citizen residing in Nigeria;
  3. You cannot have any formal tertiary or other professional catering qualifications acquired in the last 10 years.
  4. You must be in good health and able to withstand the physical and mental rigor of participating in the Program.
  5. Answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Do not leave any questions unanswered.
  6. You must be able to commit to all the filming days required. The filming is scheduled to take place between approximately April / May 2016 and July 2016 (as such dates may be varied by the Producer) for approximately 6 weeks.
Submission of an application form and compliance with the above does not in any way constitute an offer to appear on the program. The producers may (but may not) invite you to attend an interview at their discretion. Click Here to read Terms $ Conditions


  1. Fill the form & Submit, Then.
  2. Create a 2 to 3 minute video and Upload on YouTube.
  3. Return to The Knorr Taste Quest Registration page, insert the link to your YouTube video
  4. Submit
Contact us on info@peslng.com or call 08026000925, 01-6321584, 01-6321583 for your promo and advert placements (free placements for limited time).